Goals for August

I had another great month for goals in July:

- Write my dissertation/finish Camp NaNo - I managed to get my 12500 words written by the 19th, just in time for my holiday.

- Read lots - I read 8 books in July, which is amazing for me. I got a lot of reading done on holiday - I think I read 6 of the 8 books while I was in Spain. I'm at 33 books out of my goal to read 50 now.

- Have an awesome holiday! - I definitely achieved this goal - I had a wonderful time in Spain. 

Here are my goals for August:

- Finish my dissertation short stories - I have a lot of work to do this month, since I want my dissertation to be finished, or very nearly, by the end of August. It's due on the 12th of September, and I really want to use my time in September to write the critical analysis that has to be handed in with it, and to do any last minute editing. 

- Read 5 more books - I know I won't get as many books read as I did in July, but hopefully I'll still get some reading done. 

These are my only goals, since most of my time will be taken up by the dissertation.


  1. You did awesome with July's goals - no doubt you'll hit the ones for this month.
    And eight books is really impressive.

  2. You're going to blow your goals out the water! I believe in you.

  3. Well done on achieving all of your goals Laura, especially on having a good holiday, awesome post!

  4. Wow. Talk about a productive month. Maybe I should start writing goals...

  5. I'm impressed you read 8 books in July - I only read one. And great work on your dissertation writing! Good luck with your August goals!

  6. Good work for July. Good luck with finishing your dissertation this month.


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